FT | Dundonald 2 - 2 Jeanfield: We made it harder for ourselves gifting two goals to our opponents, but battled to keep the scoreline from drifting away.
90’ | Goal to the BELL! De Ja Vu, DRUM heads in another corner!
88’ | Goal Jeanfield… Error at the back, Jeanfield get a long range shot which deflects and finds the back of the net.
84’ | Goal Dundonald!! Great header from DRUMMOND, from a great corner delivery.
HT | Dundonald 0 - 1 Jeanfield: Dundonald one down due to an error at the back, another few errors have lead to Jeanfield almost getting another few. However, LUMSDEN and MCCULLOCH hitting shots on target. LUMSDENs second shot saved by their keeper with lightning reflexes.
4’ | Goal Jeanfield… A scuffle at the back leads to an easy goal for our opponents early on.
KO | 19:30 EOSFL